Countdown to Coy's first birthday!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Coy is growing so much!

He can now 'Give Kisses' and it is so darn cute. He will just lean his head towards you and close his little eyes so you can kiss his face. He likes it only sometimes, then others he's like-just hurry up already. Too sweet!

We have had to lower all the cribs and pack*n*play mattresses because he can now pull himself up and look over the edge. He may be walking soon because he likes being up where he can see everything.

He is still running around like crazy in his walker...and sometimes he is literally running!

He is still eating good and trying new things. He loves crackers, teething biscuits, french fries and green beans and of course ice cream when his daddy gives it to him. And he eats all the level 2 foods, but sometimes he seems to not like his homemade baby food. I'm not sure if its the texture or what. He likes the avocado, but the green peas took forever to get down. Not sure yet what the problem is here.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sleeping Schedule

Well, it seems like we keep working on Coy's sleeping schedule. He will start to sleep through the night, then something happens and he is up again. So now, he wakes up each night at 2:00 clock work. At his last DR checkup, she told us he didn't need that 2 AM bottle...problem is that he still wakes up for it and cries for it. So we have been working with him to try and go back to sleep. First we tried giving him a little juice, then water, now we are down to just changing his diaper and patting him on the bottom or turning on his mobile and letting him fall back asleep. Last night it worked perfectly...but I'm nervous for those nights when he will just keep crying. The Book says at his age it is ok to let him cry it out...that is going to be really hard to do. But, with my career change coming in a couple of weeks a full nights sleep would be great to get me off to a good start!

I'm finally 1 week and 2 days post-op...but still cant hold or pick up Coy and I miss it so much!! But I've had some wonderful help over the past week and I know we can get through it...only another 1 1/2 weeks until I can be independent again!! YEAH!

Next Friday is my last day at my current job, but today is the last day all of us girls will be here together so I brought them a little something. I made each lady her own unique Key of Life. It is a large metal key that I wrote a word on that describes them and is what I think a specific valuable key to their life. Then I added jewels and ribbon to make it cutesy...they loved it! Here is a picture of one of them...
I'm really excited about teaching...but nervous at the same time. Not really sure what to expect, it is totally different from anything I've ever done. But ready for a change!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pic from Grandparents visit..and 6 month check up.

Here is Coy with his grandparents we went to see a couple of weekends ago. We had such a good time.

Notice, Coy feel asleep holding on to her necklace. He LOVES jewelry!

Here he is Playing with his Peepaw...Check out the beautiful trees outside. It is so pretty up there. And COY will love it up there when he can walk and run and play.

Today while I was having my pre-opp mammogram, Coy was in for his 6 month check up. He now weighs 18 lbs and everything looks normal. He doesn't have to go back until he gets a flu shot and then at 9 months! WOO HOO!

Here is Coy in his FAVORITE toy now...his walker. He loves to be mobile! And he is playing with a new toy his grandma got him that he thought was so much fun!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Up on all fours!

Last night over at my Cousins for dinner, Coy and Tristan were playing on their mat and Coy decide to get up on all fours as if he were about to crawl. He knew this was exciting, but he didn't knwo what to do next. So he just kinda hung out there looking at Tristan as if to say"look, here is how you do it." He should be crawling soon.
So later when we got home we put him in his walker and he traveled through the whole house. It was a great night!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Fun weekend!

We had such a a great weekend with Coy boy!

* Friday we caught a ride with Mimi, Aida & Zoey up to Whitney to see Grandma and Peepaw. Coy is growing so much I wanted them to be able to see all his progress! We stopped and had lunch at Cracker*Barrel on the way and Coy got to sit in a highchair at a restaurant for the first time. He was so cute and looked like a big boy!

We got to grandmda & peepaw's late and Coy was tired, but he was still excited to see them. He also had new toys to play with and new clothes to wear. YEAH!

*Saturday Uncle Cliffie came out to see us. Coy got to ride around all day in his walker. He totally loves the fact that he can follow up all around on his own now! Him and Peepaw had some pool time, then later we went to eat Mexican Food...not sure if he really likes refried beans yet.

Grandma spoiled him by rocking him all evening until he feel asleep.
*Sunday, Mimi picked us up and we headed back home. But not before Coy got to try grape jelly from Peepaws toast. On the way back he showed us that he could really make a mess in his car seat and we had to pull over and strip him down and clean him up on the side of the road. That was an interesting moment.

*This morning, still tired from the eventful weekend, he fell asleep with his bottle in his mouth and of course I had to take pictures of that. Hope you enjoy.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Traveling Man

Well Coy is a traveling man now. No he's not crawling yet...but I'm sure that will come soon. But he IS walking forward & backward in his walker and he totally loves it! Friday evening he was in it and saw me come in and traveled across the living room to me. So i swept him up and gave him lots of kisses. Then Saturday he roamed the whole house and back in that thing, smiling and giggling the whole time!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Weekend update

Friday night was bunco. Had good food, fun & prizes. But I always stress when its at my house. I always want to make sure to have enough food and that its good..and I want the best prizes for everyone to pick from. Well this time the prize that I thought was the best out of all 6, was picked last as the 'booby' prize...whats up with that? Do I have bad taste? Mom kept Coy over night.
Saturday I slept until 12:40 besides the hour and 1/2 window of searching for Hank when he ran off. I must have been tired; probably the last 6 months of baby business finally got to me. Later that night we had my cousins over for dinner and Coy got to play with his cousin Tristan. It was cute, I promise to post pictures of them soon. But I wanted to get to bed at a decent hour and keep up with my sleep. So I joined Michael at 11 in hopes of getting good rest again, since Coy was still in the care of my mom...just on the other side of the house though, we stayed Saturday night with her. (I am not ready to leave him 2 nights in a row!) But I was woke up 10 times between 11-1; the neighbors were partying pretty hard in the pool next door. So I went to the couch looking for rest, but they stayed at it until about 3 am. Finally around 4, after Michael's alarm went off, I went back to the bed. Only to have him wake me up 40 minutes later to go clean up the mess the dogs had made in my mothers laundry room. He couldn't clean it up because he was running late to work!
Sunday, after cleaning up dog poop at 4 in the morning, I couldn't go back to sleep so...I got up, took the dogs home, went to Starbucks, then Walmart. We were having a bake sale at church on Sunday so I wanted to buy the ingredients for a Cobbler...Also I had 200 pictures of Coy developed for his album. Later that day at church my Strawberry Cobbler sold for $100. WOO HOO, I was so excited!
Today I spent the first half of the day in the Medical center. Part for my dad who was admitted to Methodist hospital today and the other part meeting my surgeon for my reduction surgery I am hoping to have soon.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Eventful Fathers Day Weekend

This weekend was SUPER busy. Friday night, we went to eat Bar-b-Que and sat outside listening to the live music. Coy really enjoyed it. Later, we dropped him off at mom's so we could get a good nights worth of sleep. Saturday morning I had some time to put together Michael's Fathers Day gift. Coy and I were so excited that we gave it to him Saturday night. He loved it! It is a shadow box that has his scrubs that he wore when Coy was born, 5 pictures of the two of them, Coy's hospital arm band, Coy's cord, and Michael's name tag from our shower. Later Michael said we could add other things, like his first hair cut, etc. After I finished that, I got dressed and met mom to pick up the girls. We went to get their haircuts. Here they are getting all prettied up!!

After the haircuts, we went to the park for a birthday party. The girls played hard and Coy was the ladies man. He got passed around so everyone got their chance to hold him.

After the birthday party, we went to a graduation party. There the girls got to swim and watch the teenagers act silly. Coy and Daddy worked on walking...

Sunday we took the girls to Sunday School, Church, then out to eat afterwards. When we got home we all took naps and waited for Michael to get home so we could cook him his first fathers day dinner. Whew...busy weekend!

Friday, June 19, 2009

A baby makes...8!

Well, usually on the weekends it is me, Michael, Hank & Maggie and Mom. Then came along Coy, so we added him to the mix. Now we have Aide & Zoey and eight is great! Mom is now a new mom to and 8 year old and a 2 year old, so now when we stay over on the weekends, its a FULL HOUSE! Here are some pics.
Coy after his bath:

Aida & Zoey sleeping their first night with mom:

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Adventures in Boating with Stacey & Michael

So here is all the craziness that happened to us on the boat Saturday when we took it to the river for the first time:
1. Pull up to the boat launch and realize there are TOO many people out there for our comfort zone
2. Decide to go anyway
3. Smell weed
4. Get stuck in a sand-bar
5. Get 'pulled over' by the sheriff
6. Get a ticket
7. Run out of gas
8. Michael and gas tank full of gas almost fall over board
9. Truck battery is dead when we go to leave
10. Boat dies on Stacey as she is circling the cove waiting for her turn at the boat ramp to load the boat.

4 month check up

So Coy went to the Dr. yesterday for his 4 month check up and vaccines. Everything looked good. She asked if he could roll over and if he could clasp his hands in front of him, both of which he can all was good there. His heart and lungs sounded good. She wasn't concerned about his congestion or the change in his b.m's (harder now that eats food.) She said he really didn't need food until he was 6 months old (I knew she would say this, but if the baby is hungry I'm going to feed him!) Here are his stats:

Weight: 16.6 (75-90 percentile)
Length: 25 3/4 (75 - 90 percentile)
Head: 16 1/2 (25 -50 percentile)

He got 3 vaccines, 2 of which were shots and the other was oral. He got a shot in each thigh and then got 2 really cool band-aids to cover them. He wasn't so amused with the band-aids right now, but give him a couple of years and he will think they are cool too. He only cried for about 2 minutes after they gave him his shots, then he went right to sleep. Here are his pictures I took after his shots. (I'm not mean and crazy and just like to take pictures of my child while he is in pain, but I sent these to Michael so he could see)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bail Out....Bail Out...

This is what I heard after we backed the boat in to the water Sunday afternoon. Michael hastily informed me that he forgot to put the plugs back into the boat!!! What...we could have sunk! I gripped hold of the rope even tighter while he backed the truck and trailer up. Then I PULLED until we got it back on the trailer and let it drain for a while. Oh...and this was to be Coy's first boating trip!

Here he is in his little life vest. We did a lot of research to pick out the most safe one out there, but forgot to think of comfort for him. So, need less to say, he didn't really like it too much. But the rocking of the boat rocked him right to sleep. In the picture I am holding the life vest open with my hand so it doesn't rub his cheeks.

He is still not sleeping through the night, but he is eating A LOT! He certainly has his dad's appetite. I thought that if I started him on cereal at night, he would sleep more, but I couldn't be more wrong. So then I started cereal in the morning too, and now we are having some vegetables in the evenings. Still, he will only sleep 4-5 hours max but only 3-4 times a week. A lot of the time he is still up every 3 hours. But he LOVES to eat. Here he is after some cereal that I spoon fed to him:

Although he doesn't sleep longer, he does sleep more sound after eating food/cereal. Here are a few of his sleepy pictures. Isn't he just an angel!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

4 months tomorrow

I cant believe it has almost been 4 months since my Coy boy was introduced to this world. He is growing so much...he is getting stronger each day. He can almost sit up on his own and FINALLY he rolled over this weekend!! He did it 4 times, we kept rolling him back so that everyone could watch him do it. He rolled from his belly to his back. We have been trying a little bit of baby food, starting with carrots and he likes them. I put him in his bumbo chair or his bouncy chair when I am about to feed him. Here is a picture of him in his bumbo:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall...Humpty Dumpty had a great fall...

I know it happens to most children...but I feared for the day it would happen to my sweet Coy boy. But...yes... he fell off the couch. I wasn't home from work yet, he was with daddy when it happened. Michael told me as soon as I walked in the door and said he felt awful and almost cried himself. So I grabbed Coy and looked him over. There were no bumps, red spots or I just watched him closely the rest of the evening to make sure he didn't act weird - like with a concussion or anything, and he turned out fine.

Here is his picture from Mothers day, isn't he precious?! So, he is growing so much and obviously moving around a lot too. He is too big now for the bassinet that he has been sleeping in that I kept next to my bed. So last night we had to move his pack and play into our room and he slept in it. He did much better. And, yes, he does have a beautiful nursery with beautiful new furniture, but I'm just not ready for him to be all the way in there and down the hall from me. So for now he will sleep in his pack and play at the foot of our bed. :)

Saturday night we took Coy to the movies and he LOVED it! It was so cute watching this little baby watch the big screen as if he knew what was going on. We were a little nervous about how he would do, but he was perfect. We had a lot of fun!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Diaper Rash 101

So Coy had his first major sickness with 102 fever and diarrhea. Last Thursday we had to take him to Texas Children's ER to get checked out. They weren't real concerned since he was well hydrated...they just said to give him lots of Pedialyte, Tylenol every 4 hours and let the rest 'run' its course (no pun intended). They also indicated, since all his tests came back normal, that he would be fine in 24 hours and travelling was OK. So, here is where the learning part came in. The next day as his fever got lower we decided to go ahead with our travel plans and drove to my in-laws for a weekend vacation 5 hours away. Of course we changed Coy's diaper a couple of times on the way...but it wasn't good enough. By the next morning he had a case of diaper rash that was just awful! He was crying in pain each time we changed his diaper. I only brought a small sample size of Desitin cream with me, because he didn't have a problem when we left. So grandma went and bought a large size Desitin that we used for a day, and then we switched over to A&D because the zinc oxide content was higher. After 2 days of treating it the rash just got worse. Finally the pediatrician recommended Triple Paste Medicated Ointment for Diaper Rash. This is the king of diaper rash worked in just a few days. His butt is now diaper rash free and this morning we made a diaper change with out tears! So, check it out next time your in a bind. So here is what I learned. If you have a baby with diarrhea: 1) don't go on a road trip as it makes matters worse, 2) always carry a large supply of diaper rash ointment with you on trips, 3) make sure the ointment is Triple Paste Medicated Ointment for Diaper Rash.

Friday, May 1, 2009

"See My New Trick Mommy"

That is what I heard when I walked through the door yesterday after work. Of course this was Michael talking...he couldn't wait to show me the new trick he and Coy had been working on. So he lays Coy on the quilt on the floor face up, bends his knees and puts his feet on the grounds saying, "you have to plant your feet." Then pulls him up with his arms. For a moment Coy kind of squats there in front of Michael and then just pushes up with his legs and stands up. Can you believe it...Coy stood up yesterday. WOO HOO. He wont roll over...but with a little help he will stand up. He is just beautiful. I totally got this on the video camera and I cant wait to show his grandmothers!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


We did it again! Coy slept through the night last night! It was great, although I didn't get a lot of uninterrupted sleep, I kept waking up and looking at him thinking he would get up and eat. I even got up and made him a bottle at one point because I just knew he was going to wake up and be hungry. When he finally woke at 3:30 this morning (he went to bed at 8:30) I came back in the room from the kitchen to find Michael rocking his bassinet and saying, "don't mess up and feed him too soon, wait another hour." He didn't realize he slept right through his 10 o'clock feeding. His sitter said he was awake a lot yesterday playing on the mat I took over there, so I told her keep it up!! :)

We did tummy time twice yesterday evening and we did better. The first time I put him on the couch while I got on the floor and talked with him and sang. He smiled and seemed to really like it. The second time I used his *Boppy*; I laid his arms out in front of him and had him face me. This time I was watching Brothers and Sister on the computer and he watched it with me. As long as I am interacting with him he does OK, but if I just leave him to play by himself he gets fussy. He has really good control of his head and can lift up some too.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention, Coy is 12 weeks today! He is getting much longer & bigger. This morning his feet actually hung off the bottom of his bouncy chair.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We did it!! WOO HOO

Well, Coy slept through the night last night! I cant really take credit for it, because it was Michael's turn for baby duty (he is off work today). So I made his cereal and bottle at 10pm and then went to bed. When I woke up at 6 this morning Michael walked in and asked if I would feed Coy so he could get some sleep. They slept on the couch (where ever Coy wants to sleep is fine with us) and he said Coy tossed and turned a lot, but didn't wake up until this morning. So, need less to say, Michael didn't get much sleep...but Coy did. WOO HOO! Maybe he will do this again to night for me, but I will put him to bed and get a good nights sleep myself! :)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Mimi knows best

We usually spend each weekend at my moms house. She only lives 3 miles away, but to get the most time with her we usually just stay over Friday/Saturday night. So each weekend she and Coy sleep in the same room since our bed room at her house is too small for all 3 of us to fit in. Well, for the past 3 weeks she feeds him at 10 and he sleeps until 4, that is 6 hours!!! I cant believe it. He has only done this 1 time at our house. I have been doing each step that she does: 1) feed him his cereal, 2)change him, 3) swaddle him, 4) rock him while he finishes his bottle, 5) put him to bed. When I do this at home he still wakes up at 1-2 am. What am I doing wrong?

Tummy Time

So, we are working on getting in as much tummy time as we can, but Coy doesn't seem to like it. Not sure what we are doing wrong. I've read that I should lay down by him or give him some toys to crawl towards. I will try this tonight. He can life his head and even some of his body pretty well, but he is not rolling over a lot. Our goal this week is to make tummy time fun for him. I'll let you know how it goes.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Coy

Today Coy is 11 weeks old. I cant believe he is almost a 3-month old! He is now up to 14 pounds and about 23 inches long. His eyes are still blue and his hair is strawberry blonde. He is eating a little cereal at night and 5 ounces of formula at each 3 hour feeding. He smiles a lot and coos a little. He has great control of his head and can almost roll over. Sometimes he tries to sit up on his own. He is growing and changing with each day...he is just perfect!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day 2, Feeling Great Challenge!

Went walking with mom last night. It was later than I had wanted to go, but it was nice and again I feel great! My lower back has not been bothering me as much and I am so energized. Mom and I had a nice talk as we strolled through the neighborhood. It's nice to be able to spend some one on one time with her...since the baby has been born she and I havent had a lot of girl time.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 1 of the Feeling Great Challenge!

Yesterday mom and I took Coy, Hank & Maggie out for a walk. (Hank and Maggie are my four- legged babies, Hank is a miniature Schnauzer and Maggie is a Yorkie-Poo) We walked through her neighborhood, and it was such a pretty day and everyone had beautiful spring flowers blooming in their yards. It was so nice to get outside after a couple days of rain. It was Coy's first walk, too. He is getting to that age where he can get out of the house a little. He really enjoyed it and was very attentively looking around at everything.

One reward from the walk that I wasnt expecting is that today I feel great and rested! Even though Coy got up at 12:30, 3:00 and 5:30 this morning, I feel like I slept all night. So if that is how I will feel each day if I go for a stroll through the neighborhood every night, then I am going to challenge myself to walk for 30 days. I will keep you posted on how it goes!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

A sign from God

Our church is in revival this week and the speaker is a very charismatic evangelist. After hearing the word for a good while, Michael lead me and Coy up to the alter to pray and my mother followed after us. This was Coy's first alter visit! The evangelist came over and put his hand on us and prayed loudly over my family. Of course I was knelt over with my eyes closed, crying in prayer, with one hand on Coy and one hand stretched upwards towards God in heaven. Michael was next to me holding Coy in one arm with his other arm wrapped around me; and my mother was behind us with one hand on Michael's back and one on my back. Now, I'm already thinking God is so good, just by the fact that Michael decided to come with us to church this night, and then leading us to the alter to pray...but God had more in store. After we were finished praying, I opened my eyes and looked over at Coy and he was bubbling over with laughter and smiling. It was so special because Coy has smiled before, but I have never seen him actually laughing too. It was the most awesome experience of my life. God is so Good!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Proud Mother

You know how parents says, "having children is so rewarding?" Well, this morning was one of those days. Coy, my 2 month old was so precious this morning. I had to wake him up at 8 to get dressed for the sitters and because he is growing so fast he wears his "good" clothes everyday and just looks so cute. He was so happy and smiling while I dressed him---normally he doesnt like getting dressed. His smiles this morning totally made my day!