Countdown to Coy's first birthday!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Diaper Rash 101

So Coy had his first major sickness with 102 fever and diarrhea. Last Thursday we had to take him to Texas Children's ER to get checked out. They weren't real concerned since he was well hydrated...they just said to give him lots of Pedialyte, Tylenol every 4 hours and let the rest 'run' its course (no pun intended). They also indicated, since all his tests came back normal, that he would be fine in 24 hours and travelling was OK. So, here is where the learning part came in. The next day as his fever got lower we decided to go ahead with our travel plans and drove to my in-laws for a weekend vacation 5 hours away. Of course we changed Coy's diaper a couple of times on the way...but it wasn't good enough. By the next morning he had a case of diaper rash that was just awful! He was crying in pain each time we changed his diaper. I only brought a small sample size of Desitin cream with me, because he didn't have a problem when we left. So grandma went and bought a large size Desitin that we used for a day, and then we switched over to A&D because the zinc oxide content was higher. After 2 days of treating it the rash just got worse. Finally the pediatrician recommended Triple Paste Medicated Ointment for Diaper Rash. This is the king of diaper rash worked in just a few days. His butt is now diaper rash free and this morning we made a diaper change with out tears! So, check it out next time your in a bind. So here is what I learned. If you have a baby with diarrhea: 1) don't go on a road trip as it makes matters worse, 2) always carry a large supply of diaper rash ointment with you on trips, 3) make sure the ointment is Triple Paste Medicated Ointment for Diaper Rash.


  1. POOR COY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( Glad he is feeling better!

  2. I am going to have to check that ointment out. Kylie is allergic to something that was in her formula and had diaper rash so bad that she was bleeding!!!! It was terrible and I was doing everything I could to get it cleared up but nothing worked!!!! I even had prescription strength and it would not clear it up. We finally changed out formula and the creams were able to do their job and cleared her up. Hers was so bad she has scars now!!!! I felt terrible becuase I could not do anything to get rid of it. What a terrible feeling!!!!

    Glad that you were able to get Coy's cleared up quickly.

  3. good to hear. Miles has only had a little rash but Bou.dreaux's.butt.paste has worked wonders for us. cleared up in 1 day.
